Oh Swedish Arts & Crafts try as much as possible to use natural and recycled materials both in the process of making Swedish arts & crafts as well for products sourced from different makers in Sweden & UK.
We only use paper bags or in some case offer reused plastic bags for wet and rainy days on the Brighton seafront.
We use second hand products to upcycle or from charity shops and carefully limit the use of products made of plastic, toxic paint and varnishes, i.e mainly use water based paint and art material.
We recycle waste and also take part in regular community beach clean-ups plus daily litter picking on the nearest part of the beach outside the studio. We also encourage visitors to take their rubbish home or to use the bins to prevent toxic & dangerous litter like plastic bags, bottles, cans spreading out on the beach and into the sea.
We hope to encourage people to join the latest trend of “Plastic Detox” by having a product range of wooden utensils such as Juniper butter knives, Birch wood spoons & trays , mdf placemats- coaster, cork and drift wood mirrors. Plus many other crafts made in wood, cork, clay, rope and other natural material for the kitchen & interior design or as special gifts.
The Eco friendly re- usable printed tote bags ideal for customers to buy instead of using plastic bags.
We also use items picked on the beach right outside, like drift wood, rope, shells, stones , corks and sometimes discarded fishing net and buoys for a number of natural craft products and workshops. By this we hope to contribute to keep the seafront and the sea clear of waste.
We hope to contribute to a cleaner environment and be a part of the community networks working together for a cleaner and healthier Brighton, using some of the eco-friendly ideas from my home country of Sweden.
Welcome to an Eco friendly Oh So Swedish on Brighton Beach.
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